My writing career started as a nonstarter working at a local paper in San Diego. After two years, the only words I had published there or anywhere else were help wanted ads. I knew it was time to leave when I mentioned a new website called Craigslist had free online advertising and the reply was "We don't talk about Craigslist here."
There was only one week out of the year I felt like a writer, and that was the week of Burning Man. Starting at the Black Rock Gazette in 1999 and moving over to their rival a year later, I was finally getting articles out to thousands of underground artists.
Much like other writers who begin in one medium and shift around, I found myself leaning back to lifelong passions of writing fiction, film and TV scripts, and plays. This would provide the basis for working as a writer for Flores And Friends on Amazon Prime writing sketch comedy and jokes for the monologue.
Thankfully, our host has kept some of the clips, including our first sketch, on YouTube.